Welcome to Simplicity Created

We are professional organizers for Luxury Residential Homes who provide assistance with organizing and unpacking.

What We Offer

Luxury Home Organizing


Simplicity Created wants to thank you in advance for inviting us into your home and trusting in us to put your mind at ease, by doing what we love. It may be stressful for you; it may seem like the pile will never end. When you look at your unorganized space and cringe, we do not. We light up with excitement and are ready to tackle whatever chaos you may have. We are here to lead you on your way to a functional and simplified life.

We promise by the end of your session your face will not only be lighting up the excitement like ours do, but you will be looking for your next space for us to tackle.

We are certified through NAPO, National Association Productivity & Organizing.

Zen in your home


Zen in your home -

Meet the Founder

Amanda Batt is a parent and entrepreneur who turned her passion for organization into a business. In those challenging months as a new mom, she quickly learned that organized systems simplified life.  Playdates became opportunities to help other moms establish systems that worked for them.  

From those early days, Simplicity Created evolved into a business that assists other individuals, parents and families transform their homes into a calm and serene environment that can be enjoyed by all.

Amanda believes that luxury is much more than owning beautiful things, regardless of their cost. Luxury is having more time to enjoy your environment and loved ones. It is having less stress because you know what you have and where it is. Luxury is a home that is both exquisite and functional.

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